Create Database by Querying FDSN¶
Program query_fdsn_stdb
Program to query a datacenter using the obspy
fdsn client. All stations
returned based on the query criteria are saved into a both a .csv
file and a
stdb dictionary pickle
file for future use.
$ query_fdsn_stdb -h
Usage: query_fdsn_stdb [options] <station list filename>
Program to query a datacenter using the obspy fdsn client. All station
returned in this query are saved into both a csv format 1sls file as well as a
stationdb (stdb.StDbElement) pickled dictionary. The input argument, <station
file name> is the prefix for the output file, which is by default <station
file name>.csv and <station file name>.pkl.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D, --debug Debug mode. After the client query is complete (and
successful), instead of parsing the inventory, it is
instead pickled to <station file name>_query_debug.pkl
which can be loaded in ipython to examine manually.
-L, --long-keys Specify Key format. Default is Net.Stn. Long keys are
-a, --ascii Specify to write ascii Pickle files instead of binary.
Ascii are larger file size, but more likely to be
system independent.
Server Settings:
Settings associated with which datacenter to log into.
--Server=SERVER Specify the server to connect to. Options include:
USP. [Default IRIS]
Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password
(--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and
download restricted data. [Default no user and
Channel Priority/Selection Settings:
Settings associated with selecting the channels to retain.
If requesting more than one type of channel, specify a
comma separated list of the first two lettres of the
desired components to retain. Default is LH > BH > HH
: [ 'LH','BH','HH']
Station-Channel Settings:
Options to narrow down the specific channels based on network,
station, etc
-N NETS, --networks=NETS
Specify a comma separated list of network codes to
search for [Default *]
-S STNS, --stations=STNS
Specify a comma separated list of station names. If
you want wildcards, enclose in quotes [Default *]
-C CHNS, --channels=CHNS
Specify a comma separated, wildcarded list of channel
names. [Default LH*,BH*,HH*]
Geographic Lat/Lon Box Search:
Define the coordinates of a lat/lon box in which to select stations.
If filled out, takes precedence over values for Radius Search (below).
--minlat=MINLAT, --min-latitude=MINLAT
Specify minimum latitude to search (must specify all
of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon).
--maxlat=MAXLAT, --max-latitude=MAXLAT
Specify maximum latitude to search (must specify all
of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon).
--minlon=MINLON, --min-longitude=MINLON
Specify minimum longitude to search (must specify all
of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon).
--maxlon=MAXLON, --max-longitude=MAXLON
Specify maximum longitude to search (must specify all
of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon).
Geographic Radius Search:
Central point and min/max radius search settings. Box Search Settings
take precedence over radius search.
--lat=LAT, --latitude=LAT
Specify a Lat (if any of --lon --min-radius and --max-
radius are empty, an error will prompt).
--lon=LON, --longitude=LON
Specify a Lon (if any of --lat --min-radius and --max-
radius are empty, an error will prompt).
--minr=MINR, --min-radius=MINR
Specify a minimum search radius (in degrees) around
the point defined by --lat and --lon (if any of --lat
--lon and --max-radius are empty, an error will
prompt). [Default 0. degrees]
--maxr=MAXR, --max-radius=MAXR
Specify a maximum search radius (in degrees) around
the point defined by --lat and --lon (if any of --lat
--lon and --min-radius are empty, an error will
Fixed Time Range Settings:
Find all stations operating within the start and end date/time. If
either are filled out, they take precedence over Non-Specific time
range search (below)
--start=STDATE, --start-date=STDATE
Specify the Start Date/Time in a UTCDateTime
compatible String (ie, 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2).
[Default Blank]
--end=ENDDATE, --end-date=ENDDATE
Specify the End Date/Time in a UTCDateTime compatible
String (ie, 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default Blank]
Non-Specific Time Range Settings:
Time settings with less specificity. Ensure that those you specify do
not interfere with each other. If above Fixed Range values are set,
they will take precedence over these values.
Specify a Date/Time which stations must start before
(must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15
15:15:45.2). [Default empty]
Specify a Date/Time which stations must start after
(must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15
15:15:45.2). [Default empty]
Specify a Date/Time which stations must end before
(must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15
15:15:45.2). [Default empty]
Specify a Date/Time which stations must end after
(must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15
15:15:45.2). [Default empty]
Extract all stations with broadband seismic data (-C BH
) in the TA network (-N TA
in the region delimited by min and max latitudes of 60 to 65 deg, and min anx max longitudes
of -135 to -120 deg, which hold data recorded since January 1, 2017:
$ query_fdsn_stdb -C BH? -N TA --minlat=60 --maxlat=65 --minlon=-135 --maxlon=-120 --start=2017-01-01 ta_list
Performing Geographic Box Search:
LL: 60.0000, -135.0000
UR: 65.0000, -120.0000
Performing Fixed Time Range Search:
Start: 2017-01-01 00:00:00
End: 2599-12-31 23:59:59
Station/Channel Search Parameters:
Network: TA
Stations: *
Channels: BH?
Channel Rank: LH,BH,HH
Output Files: ta_list.csv and ta_list.pkl
Initializing Client (IRIS)...Done
Querying client...Done
Search Complete:
3 stations in 1 networks
Network: TA
Station: M31M
Lon, Lat, Elev: -134.3906, 62.2024, 0.639
Start Date: 2015-10-17 00:00:00
End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59
Status: open
Selected Channel: BH
Locations: --
Added as: TA.M31M
Station: N32M
Lon, Lat, Elev: -133.0818, 61.1512, 0.816
Start Date: 2016-05-11 00:00:00
End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59
Status: open
Selected Channel: BH
Locations: --
Added as: TA.N32M
Station: P33M
Lon, Lat, Elev: -132.8174, 60.2114, 1.066
Start Date: 2015-10-15 00:00:00
End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59
Status: open
Selected Channel: BH
Locations: --
Added as: TA.P33M
Pickling to ta_list.pkl
Saving csv to: ta_list.csv