Convert Database to KML

Program stdb_to_kml


Convert a station Database from a .pkl file into a .kml file for use in plotting in Google Earth.

Fields in the .kml file include

  • Latitude

  • Longitude

  • Elevation

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Open?

  • Channels


$ stdb_to_kml -h
Usage: stdb_to_kml [options] <station pickle file>

Program to create a KML file for plotting based on the contents of a station
pickle file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --keys=KEYS           Specify a comma separated list of keys to return.
                        These can be fragments of a key to include all keys
                        matching any fragment.
  -V VERB, -v VERB, --verb-level=VERB
                        Specify verbosity. Default 0: no output. 1: network
                        list. 2: include station list.
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
                        Output kml file
  -s SCALE, --icon-scale=SCALE
                        Icon Size Scale (default 1.8)
  -r, --no-random-colours
                        Turn off random colours (default random on)
  -T DOCTITLE, --Document-title=DOCTITLE
                        KML Document Title
  -a, --ascii           Specify to write ascii Pickle files instead of binary.
                        Ascii are larger file size, but more likely to be
                        system independent.


Run the example in Merge Databases to generate a database named ta_table.pkl. To generate a .kml file with only one station to load in Google Earth, run

$ stdb_to_kml --keys=TA.P33M -o P33M.kml ta_table.pkl

This produces a new file called P33M.kml that you can import in Google Earth


To show more than one network, follow the example in Create Database by Querying FDSN to generate a merged_list.pkl database and convert its content to kml:

$ stdb_to_kml -o merged.kml merged_list.pkl

This produces a new file called merged.kml that you can import in Google Earth


Check out the Usage above for more control on the KML properties.