.. _query: Create Database by Querying FDSN ================================ Program ``query_fdsn_stdb`` --------------------------- Description ----------- Program to query a datacenter using the ``obspy`` fdsn client. All stations returned based on the query criteria are saved into a both a ``.csv`` file and a stdb dictionary ``pickle`` file for future use. Usage ----- .. code-block:: none $ query_fdsn_stdb -h Usage: query_fdsn_stdb [options] Program to query a datacenter using the obspy fdsn client. All station returned in this query are saved into both a csv format 1sls file as well as a stationdb (stdb.StDbElement) pickled dictionary. The input argument, is the prefix for the output file, which is by default .csv and .pkl. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -D, --debug Debug mode. After the client query is complete (and successful), instead of parsing the inventory, it is instead pickled to _query_debug.pkl which can be loaded in ipython to examine manually. -L, --long-keys Specify Key format. Default is Net.Stn. Long keys are Net.Stn.Chn -a, --ascii Specify to write ascii Pickle files instead of binary. Ascii are larger file size, but more likely to be system independent. Server Settings: Settings associated with which datacenter to log into. --Server=SERVER Specify the server to connect to. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, INGV, IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES, ODC, ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS] --User-Auth=USERAUTH Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password (--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and download restricted data. [Default no user and password] Channel Priority/Selection Settings: Settings associated with selecting the channels to retain. --channel-rank=CHNRANK If requesting more than one type of channel, specify a comma separated list of the first two lettres of the desired components to retain. Default is LH > BH > HH : [ 'LH','BH','HH'] Station-Channel Settings: Options to narrow down the specific channels based on network, station, etc -N NETS, --networks=NETS Specify a comma separated list of network codes to search for [Default *] -S STNS, --stations=STNS Specify a comma separated list of station names. If you want wildcards, enclose in quotes [Default *] -C CHNS, --channels=CHNS Specify a comma separated, wildcarded list of channel names. [Default LH*,BH*,HH*] Geographic Lat/Lon Box Search: Define the coordinates of a lat/lon box in which to select stations. If filled out, takes precedence over values for Radius Search (below). --minlat=MINLAT, --min-latitude=MINLAT Specify minimum latitude to search (must specify all of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon). --maxlat=MAXLAT, --max-latitude=MAXLAT Specify maximum latitude to search (must specify all of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon). --minlon=MINLON, --min-longitude=MINLON Specify minimum longitude to search (must specify all of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon). --maxlon=MAXLON, --max-longitude=MAXLON Specify maximum longitude to search (must specify all of minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon). Geographic Radius Search: Central point and min/max radius search settings. Box Search Settings take precedence over radius search. --lat=LAT, --latitude=LAT Specify a Lat (if any of --lon --min-radius and --max- radius are empty, an error will prompt). --lon=LON, --longitude=LON Specify a Lon (if any of --lat --min-radius and --max- radius are empty, an error will prompt). --minr=MINR, --min-radius=MINR Specify a minimum search radius (in degrees) around the point defined by --lat and --lon (if any of --lat --lon and --max-radius are empty, an error will prompt). [Default 0. degrees] --maxr=MAXR, --max-radius=MAXR Specify a maximum search radius (in degrees) around the point defined by --lat and --lon (if any of --lat --lon and --min-radius are empty, an error will prompt). Fixed Time Range Settings: Find all stations operating within the start and end date/time. If either are filled out, they take precedence over Non-Specific time range search (below) --start=STDATE, --start-date=STDATE Specify the Start Date/Time in a UTCDateTime compatible String (ie, 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default Blank] --end=ENDDATE, --end-date=ENDDATE Specify the End Date/Time in a UTCDateTime compatible String (ie, 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default Blank] Non-Specific Time Range Settings: Time settings with less specificity. Ensure that those you specify do not interfere with each other. If above Fixed Range values are set, they will take precedence over these values. --start-before=STBEFORE Specify a Date/Time which stations must start before (must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default empty] --start-after=STAFTER Specify a Date/Time which stations must start after (must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default empty] --end-before=ENDBEFORE Specify a Date/Time which stations must end before (must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default empty] --end-after=ENDAFTER Specify a Date/Time which stations must end after (must be UTCDateTime compatible string, ie 2010-01-15 15:15:45.2). [Default empty] Example ------- Extract all stations with broadband seismic data (``-C BH``) in the TA network (``-N TA``) in the region delimited by min and max latitudes of 60 to 65 deg, and min anx max longitudes of -135 to -120 deg, which hold data recorded since January 1, 2017: .. code-block:: $ query_fdsn_stdb -C BH? -N TA --minlat=60 --maxlat=65 --minlon=-135 --maxlon=-120 --start=2017-01-01 ta_list Performing Geographic Box Search: LL: 60.0000, -135.0000 UR: 65.0000, -120.0000 Performing Fixed Time Range Search: Start: 2017-01-01 00:00:00 End: 2599-12-31 23:59:59 Station/Channel Search Parameters: Network: TA Stations: * Channels: BH? Channel Rank: LH,BH,HH Output Files: ta_list.csv and ta_list.pkl Initializing Client (IRIS)...Done Querying client...Done Search Complete: 3 stations in 1 networks Network: TA Station: M31M Lon, Lat, Elev: -134.3906, 62.2024, 0.639 Start Date: 2015-10-17 00:00:00 End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59 Status: open Selected Channel: BH Locations: -- Added as: TA.M31M Station: N32M Lon, Lat, Elev: -133.0818, 61.1512, 0.816 Start Date: 2016-05-11 00:00:00 End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59 Status: open Selected Channel: BH Locations: -- Added as: TA.N32M Station: P33M Lon, Lat, Elev: -132.8174, 60.2114, 1.066 Start Date: 2015-10-15 00:00:00 End Date: 2599-12-31 23:59:59 Status: open Selected Channel: BH Locations: -- Added as: TA.P33M Pickling to ta_list.pkl Saving csv to: ta_list.csv