Merge Databases

Program merge_stdb


Merge multiple StDb database files together. Performs a rudimentary check for mulitple keys.


$ merge_stdb -h
Usage: merge_stdb [options] <station pickle file 1> <station pickle file 2> [additional station pickle files]

Helper program to merge multiple station database files together.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable more verbose output. Default is quiet (no
  -O, --overwrite       Ovewrite output file if it already exists. Default
                        behaviour quits with warning.
  -o ONAME, --output-file=ONAME
                        Specify output file name. Defaults to the input file
                        with '.apd' added to the end.
  -a, --ascii           Specify to write ascii Pickle files instead of binary.
                        Ascii are larger file size, but more likely to be
                        system independent.


Assume we have already created a StDb database named ta_list.pkl using the example in Create Database by Querying FDSN. Now create a second StDb database by querying the FDSN archive for stations in the CN network in the same region. Send the prompt to a stdb.log file.


This could have been performed during the first call to Create Database by Querying FDSN with the option -N TA,CN - this is just for illustration

$ query_fdsn_stdb -C BH? -N CN --minlat=60 --maxlat=65 --minlon=-135 --maxlon=-120  --start=2017-01-01 cn_list >> stdb.log

List the content of cn_list.pkl:

$ ls_stdb cn_list
Listing Station Pickle: cn_list.pkl
     Station: CN WHY
      Alternate Networks: None
      Channel: BH ;  Location: --
      Lon, Lat, Elev:  60.65970, -134.88251,   1.273
      StartTime: 1994-10-03 00:00:00
      EndTime:   2599-12-31 23:59:59
      Status:    open
      Polarity: 1
      Azimuth Correction: 0.000000

Merge ta_list.pkl and cn_list.pkl into a new file called merged_list.pkl:

$ merge_stdb -o merged_list ta_list cn_list
$ ls_stdb merged_list
Listing Station Pickle: merged_list.pkl
1) TA.M31M
     Station: TA M31M
      Alternate Networks: None
      Channel: BH ;  Location: --
      Lon, Lat, Elev:  62.20240, -134.39059,   0.639
      StartTime: 2015-10-17 00:00:00
      EndTime:   2599-12-31 23:59:59
      Status:    open
      Polarity: 1
      Azimuth Correction: 0.000000

2) TA.N32M
     Station: TA N32M
      Alternate Networks: None
      Channel: BH ;  Location: --
      Lon, Lat, Elev:  61.15120, -133.08180,   0.816
      StartTime: 2016-05-11 00:00:00
      EndTime:   2599-12-31 23:59:59
      Status:    open
      Polarity: 1
      Azimuth Correction: 0.000000

3) TA.P33M
     Station: TA P33M
      Alternate Networks: None
      Channel: BH ;  Location: --
      Lon, Lat, Elev:  60.21140, -132.81740,   1.066
      StartTime: 2015-10-15 00:00:00
      EndTime:   2599-12-31 23:59:59
      Status:    open
      Polarity: 1
      Azimuth Correction: 0.000000

     Station: CN WHY
      Alternate Networks: None
      Channel: BH ;  Location: --
      Lon, Lat, Elev:  60.65970, -134.88251,   1.273
      StartTime: 1994-10-03 00:00:00
      EndTime:   2599-12-31 23:59:59
      Status:    open
      Polarity: 1
      Azimuth Correction: 0.000000