Dump Database to .csv ===================== Program ``dump_stdb`` --------------------- Description ----------- Program to dump a Station Database into ``.csv`` format. If an output file is specified, file is dumped there (with ``.csv`` extension). Otherwise output is directed to standard output. This program is useful when you make edits to an existing ``.pkl`` database merge two databases, or append a new station to a database, without automatically creating a corresponding ``.csv`` file. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ dump_stdb -h Usage: dump_stdb [options] Program to dump the contents of a station database (.pkl) as csv. By default the output is directed to standard out. If a filename is optionally included, then the contents are also dumped to file. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys=KEYS Specify a comma separated list of keys to dump. Any key not specified by this search is not included in the output. -O OFILE, --output-file=OFILE Specify an output file name for the dumped csv format data. If no .csv extenion is included, one is added. -a, --ascii Specify to write ascii Pickle files instead of binary. Ascii are larger file size, but more likely to be system independent. Example ------- In the example in :ref:`merge`, the database ``merged_list.pkl`` is not automatically saved in ``.csv`` format: .. code-block:: $ ls -l merged_list.* -rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 2038 3 Oct 10:44 merged_list.pkl You can save it as ``.csv`` by executing: .. code-block:: $ dump_stdb merged_list.pkl -O merged_list.csv .. code-block:: $ ls -l merged_list.* -rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 403 4 Oct 11:51 merged_list.csv -rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 2038 3 Oct 10:44 merged_list.pkl